Who is in YOUR Music Community?
I recall roughly 2 years ago going with a group of Rockit students to the open mic at the Ironwood in Calgary. Along with being...

5 Mistakes Singers Make- Mistake 5: Relying Entirely On The Internet
My goal as a voice coach is to make sure that everyone who enjoys singing, has a healthy technique, a confident mindset and the...

Top 5 Mistakes Singers Make - Part 4: Overthinking
Overthinking while singing can negatively impact your performance in several ways. Here's why you shouldn't overthink when singing: Loss...

Top 5 Mistakes Singers Make - Part 3: Ignoring Your Genuine Voice
The third tip can be a tough one to take on board as often we don't realize we are even doing this. Here's a metaphor for you... When you...

Top 5 Mistakes Singers Make - Part 2: Practice Makes Permanent
As singers we fight a daily battle with our mind! We are always trying to do our best and work towards being better singers. This gets...

Top 5 Mistakes Singers Make - Part 1: Your Relationship with Your Voice
Part one of this series looks at the first mistake singers of all levels make. With the best of intentions and a strong desire to sing...